Szervusz! Hello!
AFHLE, Hungarian House is a community and cultural center where Hungarian Americans, recent immigrants, and friends can experience and maintain aspects of Hungarian identity and become enriched by exposure to Hungarian culture and language.
The Hungarian House has served as a bridge between Hungarian and American societies for over 60 years.
Welcome to the Hungarian House
News & Upcoming Events
Stylized Magyar Folk Art in Bold Exhibition
Artist Melissa Katkó Pepin
On display until June, 2025
Come and enjoy this display of striking yet cheerful expression of art inspired by recognizable ethnically Hungarian motifs and designs with a 21st century twist. Look at all the art intimately. and find lacework in the white background, examine the golden touches, all the intricate details, all that delights the eye.
Write it Again, Shakespeare!
Screening, recorded theatrical play
Written by Gábor Lackó, performed by Tony Cserna
Saturday, February 22 - 8pm
A playwright makes a proposal to Shakespeare about how they should collaborate to rewrite the original play in order to rid The Merchant of Venice of the accusation of anti-Semitism - perhaps due to a misunderstanding (pre-recorded monodrama in Hungarian, English subtitles).
Recorded in Hungarian with English Subtitles in 2017 Run Time: 65 minutes
Sponsored by: Spinoza Theater, Budapest
Other Upcoming Events
February 20, Thursday - 6pm: Member's Meet-Up, (special guest speaker TBA)
Magyar Theater on Film Screening Week, I. (all with English subtitles)
February 20, Thursday - 7:45pm: Ferenczi & Freud, Intrigues around the Divan, play screening
February 22, Saturday - 8pm: Encore screening of Write It Again, Shakespeare!, play screening
Other upcoming events at Hungarian House:
March 1, Saturday - Cserkész Farsangi Vacsora
March 8, Saturday - 4-6pm: Kalákafilm, film screening with writer/director Réka Pigniczky. Folk music, 1956.
March 8, Saturday - 6:30pm-12:30am: Hungarian Folk Dance House (TÁNCHÁZ)
March 14/15, Fri/Sat (TBC): Magyar Independence Commemoration
March 25, Tuesday -7pm (TBC): Member's Night
April, Friday (Date TBC) - 6:30pm: Békés County Spotlight, Út a múltba – Dénesmajor története, „Innen csak elmenni lehet, elszakadni sohasem! and, Viharsarki Rock & Roll; a gyulai 48-as Club története
April 26, Saturday (TBC): Spring Sneaker Ball / Tavaszi Tornacipő Bál
May 3, Saturday -7pm (TBC): Member's Night
June 12-13, Thus-Fri (time TBC): Psyche, Rehearsal for Truth Festival, adaptation of Sándor Weöres's play of the same name. Performances in both Hungarian and English.
July 16, Wednesday: Member's Night (at the museum or park, tbd)
on view until June, 2025: